Publications Full list Comparing Strasbourg and Luxembourg case-law on bulk interception of personal data and their use (speaking notes) The interplay between the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU-Charter of Fundamental Rights Convention-control-over-application-of-UnionLaw Recent-Luxembourg-case-law-on-procedural-rights Two-step examination of potential violations of fundamental rights in the issuing Member State: towards “systemic or generalised” differences with Strasbourg? No more common understanding of fundamental rights The European arrest warrant under the Convention No-case-to-answer-for-the-EPPO Vingt-ans-de-coexistence-entre-Charte-et-CEDH Noot-over-EHRM-9.7.2019-Romeo-Castano-t.-Belgie Noot-over-EHRM-9.11.2018-Beuze-t.-België Interactions-migratoires-entre-Strasbourg-et-Luxembourg Do we still need 6-2 TEU_ Convergences_et_divergences Kontrolle ist gut_ Vertrauen ist besser_ EU Accession Adhésion-de-lUE To accede or not to accede Gleiche_Rechte__gleiche_Tragweite Grundrechtsschutz_und_gegenseitige_Anerkennung EU-Beitritt zur EMRK What_makes_Fundamental_Rights_fundamental DoPuS (Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver Speyer)