What are the limits of free speech? Who is liable for hate speech on the Internet? Is there a right to assisted suicide? To what extent can fundamental rights be limited by reason of a pandemic? Can vaccination be imposed? Can fundamental rights be suspended by Parliament? When can a political party be dissolved? Can the State be made responsible for domestic violence ? What rights and what duties do refugees have? How much force is the police allowed to use? Does the Convention apply to military operations in third countries? What requirements does the Convention place on the independence of the courts? Are irreducible life-sentences compatible with the Convention? What are there limits to the storage of personal data? What requirements does the Convention place on the protection of the environment?
These are only some of the many topical issues which the European Court of Human Rights had to deal with recently. They are the subject-matter of the Seminar on the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights which is held every winter term at the German University of Administrative Sciences (Speyer).
The European Court of Human Rights is located in Strasbourg. It is entrusted with authoritatively interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights which is in force in 46 European States. Its judgments lay down pan-European binding minimum standards, which offer important guidance for State action in a large variety of areas, not least in that of the administration.
The Seminar will start on Thursday 9 November 2023 at 7.15 p.m. in lecture hall no. 1.
You will find here the program of each session of the course and the materials relating to them.