Recent Case Law

In the table below you will find the full list of all posts relating to recent judgments by the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union – next to some other Courts – which have been commented upon in the “News” section because they illustrate the ongoing interaction between the European Convention on Human Rights and EU law.

ECtHR, CJEUTrends 2021-24.2overview
CJEUBreakdown of reception conditions for asylum seekers: Dublin not the whole story – judgment of the CJEU in Tudmur19.12.2024C‑185/24 and C‑189/24Dublin Regulation
ECtHRNon-formalistic Convention control over the application of the Brussels II bis Regulation: judgment of the ECtHR in Giannakopoulos v. Greece3.12.202420503/20Brussels II bis Regulation
CJEU“The fields covered by Union law”: not outside the fields covered by the Convention – Judgment of the CJEU in the case of PT28.11.2024C-432/22criminal procedure; plea-bargaining
ECtHREuropean harmony on age discrimination: judgment of the ECtHR in Ferrero Quintana26.11.20242669/19age discrimination
ECtHRGeneral presumption of compliance vs. systemic flaws – Judgment of the ECtHR in the case of H.T. v. Germany and Greece15.10.201413337/19Dublin Regulation
CJEUAn upgrading of the parties to the proceedings in the system of preliminary rulings: judgment of the CJEU in KUBERA15.10.2024C-144/23preliminary rulings
CJEUBenchmark function of the Convention stressed by the CJEU in Mirin and Real Madrid Club de Fútbol4.10.2024C-633/22 and C-4/23gender identity; freedom of the press
CJEU, ECtHREnvironmental pollution caused by the Ilva steelworks – judgment of the CJEU in Ilva and Others, compared with Cordella and Others v. Italy25.06.2024C-626/22 and 54414/13 & 54264/15pollution
CJEURaising and lowering of the Strasbourg standards regarding judicial review of detention – judgment of the CJEU in Stachev  14.05.2024C-15/24 PPUprocedural rights in criminal proceedings; access to a lawyer; waiver
CJEU, ECtHRSimilarities and differences between Strasbourg and Luxembourg on classified documents used in expulsion cases – Judgment of the CJEU in the cases of NW and PQ, compared with Muhammad and Muhammad v. Romania25.04.2024C-420/22 and C-528/22; 80982/12classified documents; State security
ECtHRThe Convention and the Reception Conditions Directive: judgment of the ECtHR in the case of M.B. v. the Netherlands23.04.202471008/16immigration detention
CJEUTwo different categories of fundamental rights under the Dublin III Regulation? Judgment of the CJEU in the case of Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid29.02.2024C-392/22Dublin Regulation; pushbacks
ECtHRSuccessive scrutiny of the same legislation in Luxembourg and Strasbourg: judgment of the ECtHR in the case of Executief van de Moslims van België and Others v. Belgium13.02.202416760/22freedom of religion; ritual slaughter
CJEUThe very essence or mere appearances? Judgment of the CJEU in the case of Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa21.12.2023C-718/21judicial independence
CJEUWhich fundamental rights exactly apply to proceedings of the EPPO? Judgment of the CJEU in the case of G.K. and Others21.12.2023C-281/22European Public Prosecutor
CJEUIs the CJEU creating two different categories of fundamental rights? Judgment of the CJEU in the case of GN21.12.2023C-261/22European arrest warrant
CJEULuxembourg not the end of the story on freedom of religion in the workplace? Judgment of the CJEU in the case of Commune d’Ans28.11.2023C-148/22freedom of religion; discrimination in the workplace
ECtHRPreventive Convention control by the ECtHR over the execution of European arrest warrants10.11.202339817/23Rule 39; European arrest warrant
CJEUConditions for granting subsidiary protection “fully compatible” with – but not “more extensive” than – Strasbourg : judgment of the CJEU in the case of Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid09.11.2023C-125/22subsidiary protection
CJEUTwo steps of unequal weight? Judgment of the CJEU in the case of Staatsanwaltschaft Aachen09.11.2023C-819/21mutual recognition; judgments imposing custodial sentences
ECtHRDifferent ways to the same goal: Strasbourg and Luxembourg on same-sex couples05.09.202340209/20same-sex couples
CJEUWhich judge should assess the best interests of a wrongfully removed child? Judgment of the CJEU in TT13.07.202387/22international child abduction
CJEUThe CJEU goes for the Strasbourg test of the “proceedings as a whole”: Judgment of the CJEU in K.B. and F.S.22.06.2023C-660/21procedural rights
CJEUMigrants at the border: fundamental rights at stake or just another breach of secondary law? Comparing “European Commission v. Hungary” with “N.D. and N.T. v. Spain”22.06.2023C-823/21Procedures Directive
CJEUTwo more Convention-compliant applications by the CJEU of Directive 2012/13 on the right to information in criminal proceedings25.05.2023 and 22.06.2023C-608/21 and C-660/21procedural rights; right to information
ECtHRThe requirement of consent by the data subject declared compatible with the Convention: Judgment of the ECtHR in Jehovah’s Witnesses v. Finland09.05.202331172/19data protection
CJEUMore confusion about « ne bis in idem »: judgment of the CJEU in the case of MV – 9804.05.2023C-97/21ne bis in idem
CJEUOne step is enough? Judgment of the CJEU in E.D.L.18.04.2023C-699/21European arrest warrant
CJEUA different “ne bis in idem” in Luxembourg? Judgment of the CJEU in Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Bamberg23.03.2023C-365/21non bis in idem
ECtHRReopening of domestic proceedings suggested following a failure to act upon a request for a preliminary ruling by the CJEU: judgment of the ECtHR in Georgiou v. Greece14.03.202357378/18preliminary rulings
CJEUGeneral test made autonomous for the assessment of risks involved in the execution of a EAW: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Puig Gordi and Others31.01.2023C-158/21European arrest warrant
ECtHRSame national legislation examined in Luxembourg and Strasbourg: decision by the ECtHR in the case of Freire Lopes31.01.202358598/21right to property
ECtHRImposed changes to the name of a person: judgment of the ECtHR in the case of Künsberg Sarre v. Austria17.01.202319475/20name of a person; private and family life
ECtHRThe right to an effective remedy in the context of asylum proceedings: judgment of the ECtHR in the case of S.H. v. Malta20.12.202237241/21expulsion; right to an effective remedy
ECtHRNo reasons given by a first-instance court for its refusal to seek a preliminary ruling: judgment of the ECHR in the case of Rutar and Rutar Marketing D.O.O. v. Slovenia15.12.202221164/20preliminary rulings
CJEUThe right to cross-examine witnesses, a tale of two methodologies: judgment of the CJEU in the case of HYA and Others08.12.2022C-348/21procedural rights; cross-examination of witnesses
ECtHRDenial of justice by not applying EU law: judgment of the ECHR in the case of Spasov v. Romania06.12.202227122/14fair trial; denial of justice
CJEUReturn of a seriously ill person: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid (Éloignement – Cannabis thérapeutique)22.11.2022C-69/21return directive; seriously ill person
CJEUEnjoyment by private companies of the presumption of innocence and the rights of the defence: judgment by the CJEU in the case of Delta Stroy 200310.11.2022C-203/21presumption of innocence; private companies
ECtHRBreach of the right to family life following delayed return of a child ordered under the Brussels IIa Regulation: judgment of the ECHR in the case of Veres v. Spain08.11.202257906/18family life; international child abduction
ECtHRFailure to “engage meaningfully” with CJEU case-law: judgment of the ECHR in the case of Moraru v. Romania08.11.202264480/19discrimination
CJEUProcedural rights in criminal proceedings and the European Convention on Human Rights: judgments by the CJEU in the cases of HN and DD15.09.2022C-420/20 and C-347/21procedural rights in criminal proceedings
CJEUPush-back and detention of migrants at the border: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnyba30.06.2022C-72/22 PPUmigration, push-back, detention
CJEUThe right to a new trial following a conviction in absentia: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Spetsializirana prokuratura19.05.2022C-569/20procedural rights in criminal proceedings
CJEUNational legislation on the resolution of credit institutions compatible with the right to property: judgment of the CJEU in the case of BPC Lux 2 and Others05.05.2022C-83/20right to property
CJEUNon bis in idem: between Menci and bpost – Judgment of the CJEU in the BV case05.05.2022C-570/20non bis in idem
CJEU“Non bis in idem” in dual proceedings: CJEU judgment in the bpost case22.03.2022C-117/20non bis in idem
CJEURisk of breach of the right to a tribunal established by law following the execution of a European arrest warrant: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Openbaar Ministerie (Tribunal established by law)22.02.2022joined cases C-562/21 PPU and C-563/21 PPUEuropean arrest warrant, judicial independence
CJEUThe right to information and interpretation in criminal proceedings: judgment of the CJEU in the case of IS23.11.2021C-564/19procedural rights in criminal proceedings
ECtHRBosphorus presumption applicable to the storing of biometric data on a passport: decision of the ECHR in the case of Willems v. the Netherlands09.11.202157294/16Bosphorus presumption
ECtHRThe Polish Chamber of Extraordinary Review and Public Affairs not an “independent and impartial tribunal established by law”: judgment by the ECHR in the case of Dolińska-Ficek and Ozimek v. Poland08.11.202149868/19 and 57511/19judicial independence, tribunal established by law
CJEURights of the defence and mutual recognition of financial penalties: judgment by the CJEU in the case of Prokuratura Rejonowa Łódź-Bałuty06.10.2021C-338/20mutual recognition, financial penalties
CJEUEU law requirements of an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law: judgment of the CJEU in the case of W.Ż.06.10.2021C-487/19judicial independence, tribunal established by law
ECtHRDisciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court: judgment of the ECHR in Reczkowicz v. Poland22.07.202143447/19judicial independence, tribunal established by law
CJEUDisciplinary regime applicable to Polish judges: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Commission v. Poland15.07.2021C-791/19judicial independence
CJEUFreedom to wear visible political, philosophical or religious signs in the workplace: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Wabe and MH Müller Handel15.07.2021C-804/18 and C-341/19freedom to wear religious signs
ECtHRThe ECHR recalls its case-law on the obligation for courts to give reasons when dismissing a request for a preliminary ruling by the CJEU: decision in the case of Quintanel v. France17.06.202112528/17 et seq.preliminary rulings
ECtHRManifest deficiency in the execution of a European arrest warrant – judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Bivolaru and Moldovan v. France25.03.202140324/16 and 12623/17European arrest warrant, manifest deficiency
ECtHRDegrading treatment and deprivation of liberty in the Röszke transit zone – judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of R.R. and Others v. Hungary02.03.202136037/17migration, detention, ill-treatment
CJEURight to silence under the EU-Charter – judgment of the CJEU in the Consob case02.02.2021C-481/19right to silence
CJEUEffective access to international protection – detention of asylum seekers: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Commission v. Hungary17.12.2020C-808/18migration, detention
CJEUApplying the right to freedom of religion under the Charter, having regard to the Convention – judgment of the CJEU in the case of Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others17.12.2020C-336/19freedom of religion, animal welfare
CJEUEuropean arrest warrant – independence of the judiciary: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Openbaar Ministerie17.12.2020joined cases C-354/20 PPU and C-412/20 PPUEuropean arrest warrant, judicial independence
German Constitutional CourtGerman Federal Constitutional Court allows complaints against the execution of European arrest warrants01.12.20202 BvR 1845/18 and 2 BvR 2100/18European arrest warrant
CJEURight of asylum seekers to be heard: judgment of the CJEU in the Addis case.16.07.2020C-517/17migration, right to be heard
ECtHRInternational child abduction: judgment of the ECHR in the case of Michnea v. Romania07.07.202010395/19international child abductions
CJEUDetention of asylum seekers in the Röszke transit zone: judgment by the CJEU in the case of FMS and Others14.05.2020joined cases C-924/19 PPU and C -925/19 PPUmigration, detention
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of “AGRO IN 2001”19.03.2020C-234/18confiscation of assets
CJEUOn the notion of safe third country: judgment of the CJEU in the case of Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal19.03.2020C-564/18migration, safe third country
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in the case of Sanofi Pasteur v. France13.02.202025137/16preliminary rulings
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Deutsche Umwelthilfe19.12.2019C-752/18right to an effective remedy, right to liberty
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau05.12.2019C-671/18mutual recognition, financial penalties
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary21.11.201947287/15migration, detention, ill-treatment
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of A.K. and Others (Independence of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court)19.11.2019Joined Cases C-585/18, C-624/18 and C-625/I8judicial independence, effective judicial protection
German Constitutional CourtLandmark judgments of the German Constitutional Court (“Right to be forgotten” I and II)06.11.20191 BvR 16/13, 1 BvR 276/17right to be forgotten
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of AH and Others05.11.2019C -377/18presumption of innocence
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Dorobantu15.10.2019C-128/18European arrest warrant
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Rayonna prokuratura Lom19.09.2019C -467/18procedural rights in criminal proceedings
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Funke Medien29.07.2019C -469/17freedom of expression
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Gambino and Hyka29.07.2019C-38/18fair trial
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Romeo Castaño v. Belgium09.07.20198351/17European arrest warrant
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Mihalache v. Romania08.07.201954012/10non bis in idem
ECtHRDecision of the ECHR in Melvin West v. Hungary25.06.20195380/12European arrest warrant
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Nodet v. France06.06.201947342/14non bis in idem
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in the case of O.C.I. and Others v. Romania21.05.201949450/17international child abductions
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Repcevirag Szövetkezet v. Hungary30.04.201970750/14preliminary rulings
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Baltic Master Ltd. v. Lithuania16.04.201955092/16preliminary rulings
ECtHRJudgment of the ECHR in Harisch v. Germany11.04.201950053/16preliminary rulings
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of Jawo v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland19.03.2019C-163/17migration, Dublin Regulation, systemic deficiencies
CJEUJudgment of the CJEU in the case of TC12.02.2019C-492/18 PPUEuropean arrest warrant
ECtHRAFFAIRE PIROZZI c. BELGIQUE17.04.201821055/11In Pirozzi v. Belgium (17.4.2018) the ECHR applied the Avotiņš-jurisprudence to the execution of a European Arrest Warrant.
ECtHRAFFAIRE THIMOTHAWES c. BELGIQUE04.04.201739061/11In Thimothawes v. Belgium (4.4.2017) the ECHR explained the impact of EU law when assessing compliance with Article 5 of the Convention of a detention ordered by virtue of domestic law transposing the Reception Directive.